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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


1st Ever MoltenThought Blogathon: July 2nd, 2005

WordGirl and I are so excited to be back up and running after a bug-enforced 3-week hiatus that we've decided to celebrate with a 24-hour Blogathon for a good cause.

And after Dastardly Dick Durbin's unbelievable, hate-filled screed against our troops, what better cause could there be this upcoming Fourth of July weekend than showing our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines that Americans support them and the Global War on Terror?

To this end, we've added a special Blogathon tip jar to the right. Every dime thrown in this tip jar will be donated to the Armed Forces Relief Trust, an umbrella group for collecting donations to the Air Force Aid Society, the Army Emergency Relief Fund, Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, and the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. Your contributions will provide aid and comfort to the good guys in a way that Dastardly Dick's comments provided aid and comfort to the bad guys, although I suspect this effort will have a larger impact than the misguided tomfoolery of the senior senator from Illinois, Harry Reid's righthand man.

The worst thing about the current flap is that there are plenty of Democrats who love this country, who support our armed forces, and who have once again been betrayed by a party leadership nostalgic for the Sixties. Why not show your support for the fine men and women on the frontlines of the War on Terror by taking that check which might ordinarily have gone to Howard Dean and the DNC or Harry Reid and the Democratic senators and donate it to an unquestionably worthy cause?

If you're a Republican disgusted by the Gang of 14's histrionics and Bill Frist's seeming inability to get Bush judicial nominees an up-or-down vote in the Senate, why not take that check formerly bound for John McCain and Lindsay Graham and send it where it can do the most good---to folks who know when to fight and fight hard for principle?

Much more to come---please feel free to comment and leave your feedback. Please make some time available on Saturday, July 2nd, to check in and see how we're doing during the grueling endurance challenge that will be the MoltenThought Blogathon.

And if you have friends or family serving in our armed forces, why not send them a link and let them know we're pulling for them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really looking foward to that. I'll tell all I know to be prepared. Thank you!!

11:21 AM  

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