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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Bit of Personal Trivia

I started coloring my hair when I was 15. Started out with frosting, highlighting, whatnot. Then I was a redhead for... lemme' think... there's college in there where I don't remember so much... Um... 8 years? Anyway, I didn't want to go back to my natural color because I thought it was horrible. Mousy brown. B-O-R-I-N-G. But on the "advice" of an ex-friend, I dyed it as close to my natural color as I could recall (which took some doing). To my surprise, I liked it. So I let it grow out.

Guess what? It's gorgeous. (If I may say so myself.) It's a completely different "brown" than I remember. Very rich, deep and lustrous with natural red highlights. And I don't have to fork out for coloring every six weeks. *Cha-ching*

Last time I went to get my hair cut, my stylist (whom I have known for years, and who urged me NOT to go natural because she loved me so much as a redhead) said, "Your color looks great... Oh, that's your natual color, isn't it?"

Uh-huh... Tha's right... God knows what he's doing when he makes your hair and eyes go together. He's just an Artist like that.


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