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Sir Winston Churchill


Discovery Channel's Greatest American #8: Elvis Presley

Well, I suppose it's a shock The King isn't on Mount Rushmore yet.

Elvis is another compelling story, much like Oprah's. He similarly rose from obscurity on talent, charisma, and ambition and similarly obtained first name-only status with Americans. He's got a legion of followers and, oddly, imitators. And like JFK, he died young and tragically.

Elvis' life is also a cautionary tale worthy of Greek dramatists. The transition from young, cocky Elvis to shivering, sweaty Elvis is quintessentially American, somehow.

What accomplishments for the nation did he boast? Sure, he offered to help Nixon crack down on drug dealers (snicker), but that's not exactly Audie Murphy, is it?

Why not put Mr. Murphy in in his place?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother is a man for this world. His wife's step-sister and her husband celebrated their 10th anniversary by going to Vegas with three or four other couples and renewing their vows... Elvis style. Each fella was a version of the stages of Elvis, one in leather, one in polyester... one in whatever. They sure stopped traffic!!! Keep up the great job, guys. We're loving it!!!

2:24 PM  

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