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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


I'm Not Sure I Share Hugh's Optimism

Although I agree with much of his assessment:

Another center-stage appearance of the Michael Moore Democrats is on schedule. The GOP candidates in 2006 could not have hoped for a better opening act to the campaigns ahead. The Judiciary Committee proceedings will be broadcast from start to finish, and though the Democrats will think this a boon to their cause, it won't be long until the reality of prolonged exposure to Leahy, Kennedy, Biden, Schumer, and--especially--Durbin sinks in.

It is going to be a wonderful summer and early fall.

There are a couple of vipers in those lush weeds, however.

John McCain will no doubt seek to salve his stung ego after the Democrats inevitably filibuster by pretending it was the GOP who broke the deal. That's what the MSM is waiting for this "maverick" to do, and he won't disappoint.

Arlen Specter will likewise betray Bush on judges, since he will tend to view these nominations as his legacy, due to his ego and his illness. Why not stiff the GOP one more time, for old time's sake, and give the boys at The Times something to talk about?

Of course, without Specter and McCain, the nuclear option becomes a much tougher road, which is why you can bet the Democrats will be praising both men to the high heavens over the next few weeks.


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