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Sir Winston Churchill


Interview with Tom Omri of Coast Guard Mutual Assistance

We've mentioned that the Armed Forces Relief Trust is an umbrella charitable organization feeding the service branch-specific aid societies. Tom Omri is part of Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, one of these service-affiliated charitable groups.

What is the mission of Coast Guard Mutual Assistance?

Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA) strives to promote financial stability and general well-being of the people it serves.

What services does CGMA offer to Coast Guard personnel and their families?

CGMA provides interest-free loans and grants for assistance, based on need, for things which include items such as emergency travel, temporary living expenses, funeral expenses, emergency home repair, loss of funds or property, natural disaster relief, vehicle repair, moving expenses, housing rental assistance, medical and dental expenses, past due bills, and debt management.

How many Coast Guard families receive these services each year?

In 2004, CGMA provided assistance to over 7,000 clients.

How has the Global War on Terror affected the demand for these services?

Demand for services in some areas actually decreased while the demand for assistance for called-up Reserve components increased.

How does the Armed Forces Relief Trust help support the mission of CGMA?

The Armed Forces Relief Trust provides a source of contributions from the general public to benefit all four Military Aid Societies with their programs, including CGMA.

What has been CGMA's biggest recent success?

A variety of successful programs all geared to try and meet the needs of our clients. There really is no one program or category of assistance that stands out by itself.

In addition to contributions to the Armed Forces Relief Trust, what can American civilians due to help support our Coast Guard in this time of war and peril?

While CGMA works very closely with the Coast Guard, it is an independent non-profit corporation. Thus, it is more appropriate for the Coast Guard to respond to this question.


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