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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Perhaps Tom Cruise Should Give Paul Begala Some Vitamins

For he has clearly lost his mind:

Begala's presence on the panel created a stir when he declared that Republicans had "done a p***-poor job of defending" the U.S.

Republicans, he said, "want to kill us.

"I was driving past the Pentagon when that plane hit" on Sept. 11, 2001. "I had friends on that plane; this is deadly serious to me," Begala said.

"They want to kill me and my children if they can. But if they just kill me and not my children, they want my children to be comforted -- that while they didn't protect me because they cut my taxes, my children won't have to pay any money on the money they inherit," Begala said. "That is bulls*** national defense, and we should say that."

Man, can you imagine the aneurysm the Aqua Net Martyrs' Brigade of the Hair Helmet Hamas would have over this outrageous statement had it been made by an ex-Reagan or Bush aide about a Democrat administration?

Another quote to add to the blog template!


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