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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


What's On Right Now

Currently, "Iron Chef" on the "Food Network". It's a tag team match, with Chef Batalli and Master Chef Sakai paired against Chef Flay and Master Chef Morimoto.

This is very, very cool. We watched "Iron Chef" before they Americanized it. It's strange seeing the Japanese chefs outside their home country standing beside people I watch regularly.

As a foodie, of course I'm tuned in to "Food Network" quite a bit. MF gets so sick of it. But he doesn't seem to mind when I'm in the kitchen whipping up some recipe or another that I've picked up from Paula Deen or Emeril.

MF, though he pokes fun at me, is an incredible chef in his own right. We also have a married couple we hang with who are both foodies. The husband is a restaurant manager and hopefully a future B&B owner/operator.

Needless to say, when we get together we eat well, and the conversation generally revolves around food. I have to save calories for our dinners. You can't sit down to roast duck in black cherry sauce with risotto and say, no thanks. Come on.


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