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Sir Winston Churchill


Who Do You Believe: Jamie Gorelick, or A Naval Intelligence Officer?

I myself would believe dirtbag traitor John Walker over treasonously-incompetent "Deputy" AG Gorelick, but John Podhoretz disagrees.

Captain Ed, on the other hand, thinks Gorelick and her co-prima donnas are full of it:

Clearly the Commission has little credibility left. Five days ago, no one could remember the July 2004 briefing, and the Commission only admitted to it when pressed by the New York Times. Four days later, they have a prepared rebuttal with everything but pictures showing how they gave the allegations serious consideration but ultimately rejected it. Why? As I posted yesterday, the naval officer did not have any documentation with him -- which would, incidentally, have landed him in Leavenworth for life -- and the time frame didn't match up with the Commission's understanding of when Atta entered the US.

Color me unimpressed. If the Commission had this level of understanding about Able Danger and the July 2004 briefing, why did it deny knowledge of the program and the subsequent briefing that named Atta? The statement itself shows the absurdity of taking Hamilton, Kean, and the Commission at face value.


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