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Add Charles Krauthammer to the Immigration Reform Insurgency

And good luck, open borders-types, with arguing against Krauthammer's position:

The critical element -- border enforcement -- is farcical. President Bush promises to increase the number of border agents. That was promised in the Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty legislation in 1986. The result was more than 11 million new illegal immigrants.

The president himself boasted about having already increased the number of border guards by one-third under his administration. Yet he acknowledges in the same speech that we do not have the border under control -- "full control," as he comically put it. The president's new solution? Increase the number of border guards again, by half this time. Everyone knows that anything short of enough border guards to do Hands Across America from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean won't do a thing to eliminate illegal immigration.

The only thing that might work is a physical barrier. The president offhandedly dismisses a wall as something that could never stop the "enormous pressure on our border."

By what logic? Opponents pretend that these barriers can always be circumvented by, say, tunnels or clandestine entry by sea. Such arguments are transparently unserious. You're hardly going to get 500,000 illegals lining up outside a tunnel or on a pier. Such choke points are exactly how you would turn the current river of illegal immigrants into narrow streams -- which is all we need to turn the illegal immigration problem from out of control to eminently manageable.

Bush's enforcement provisions were advertised as an attempt to appease conservatives. This is odd. Are conservatives the only ones who think that unlimited, unregulated immigration is a detriment to the republic? Do liberals really believe in a de facto policy that depresses the wages of the poorest and most desperate Americans, African Americans most prominently among them? Do liberals believe that the number, social class, education level, background and country of origin of immigrants -- the kinds of decisions every democratic country makes for itself -- should be taken out of the hands of the American citizenry and left to the immigrants themselves and, in particular, to those most willing to break the very immigration regulations the American people have decided upon democratically?

And is it just conservatives who think the United States ought not be gratuitously squandering one of its greatest assets -- its magnetic attraction to would-be immigrants around the world? There are tens of millions of people who want to leave their homes and come to America. We essentially have an NFL draft in which the United States has the first, oh, million or so draft picks. Rather than exercising those picks, i.e., choosing by whatever criteria we want -- such as education, enterprise, technical skills and creativity -- we admit the tiniest fraction of the best and brightest and permit millions of the unskilled to pour in instead.

If we're talking NFL metaphors, America is like Pro Bowl voting. We should want the very best, not whomever swims a river, hops a wall, or rides a few miles in a trunk.

We have the right to determine who lives among us. That's what sovereignty means, and its absolutely vital for free nations to maintain their sovereignty lest the mechanisms of our freedom be subverted by those who would enslave us.

What on Earth do you think the May Day marches meant to accomplish, if not to send a clear message that the vast hordes of illegal immigrants in our midst intend to intimidate our political leaders into watering down the rights of American citizenship?


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for posting that. It'll take more people like Charles Krauthammer to speak out against illegal immigration before the elites in Washington (conservative and liberal) start to listen.

I'm grossly disappointed in people like Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke, who are convinced that those wishing to control our borders are the "radical right wing" and are nativists and even racists. And, of course, Bill Kristol was an elistist, preening jerk about it as illustrated by his reference to the anti-illegals crowd as "yahoos".

Thank goodness for people like Lou Dobbs and Bill Bennett (and, now, Charles Krauthammer). I can only hope that the foolish powers-that-be will listen before it's too late.

9:41 PM  

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