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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Zits and Wrinkles Unveiled

And some obvious retouching of fake breast implants that were apparently too, er, unsightly (read: in the appearance of water balloons strapped to a cutting board) to be unleashed on the viewing public.

Here's a site where you can take step-by-step the actual process of retouching and "creating" an image. (Notice the model is 14).

Then here's one where you actually see the "before and after" images of celebrities who have been retouched (fake breasts and sun damage GALORE, et al. Third row second column is my favorite -- actually makes you *cry out* in shock.). Go to "portfolio", then "before and after" to view.

Anyone else want to debate some possible causes of eating disorders and body dismorphism disorder?

Anyone... ?


Blogger WordGirl said...


1:01 PM  

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