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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


So Much For "You're Either With Us Or Against Us"

Why exactly is Condi Rice heading to the Middle East?

In the War on Terror, which side is Hezbollah on? Which side are the Israelis on?

My memory may be a little fuzzy, but I could have sworn the President indicated at some point after 9/11 that nations that harbor and support terrorists would be treated as enemies in the War on Terror.

I don't recall an exemption for Lebanon, Syria, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

If active engagement in killing Americans in Iraq isn't enough of a cassus belli against Iran and Syria, if attacking our ally with rockets isn't enough for us to honor our commitment and go to war, if the threat of nukes in the hands of insane apocalyptic mullahs determined to annihilate Israel and the U.S. isn't cause enough for us to defend ourselves, what is?

Some cowboy in the White House. Dubya's facing the wrong way on his horse these days.


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