Update To The Update
So I'm thinking... solar power is the wave of the future, right? That's what Bush keeps saying anyway. (Which reminds me, I haven't seen him granting gravitas to any knitted cardigans yet. But it is still summer. Maybe that's the hot trend for Fall? I'll keep an eye peeled.) Anyway...
I refuse to allow the Devil in the Backyard to beat me. I know he's back there, arms all folded, kicked up and relaxin', filing his nails, thinking, "I've killed 3 goldfish, knocked out the fountain feature, shorted the circuit to the sprinklers and caused a major mental meltdown. *dark chuckle* Let's see what Lawn Princess is made of now."
*cracking knuckles* A'ight, Devil. How aboooooout THIS!

BOOYOW! Uh-huh. Thaaaat's right, baby. I got the solar power goin' ON! And if you feel like grillin' up the rest-a-my fish? HA!

I'll just top this puppy on a resin pedestal in the slam middle of your little sulphur pool and set the water to workin'. Tho' some lily pads in there and I got me a Water Feature that don't even require the shadow of your presence, bee-atch.
And it even comes in assorted colors.

I think I'll take this one.
I even got solar lights, crackerjacker.

Ohhhh, no. Don't be frontin' on Lawn Princess, Devil. I'll jack you UP, SUCKA'!
I refuse to allow the Devil in the Backyard to beat me. I know he's back there, arms all folded, kicked up and relaxin', filing his nails, thinking, "I've killed 3 goldfish, knocked out the fountain feature, shorted the circuit to the sprinklers and caused a major mental meltdown. *dark chuckle* Let's see what Lawn Princess is made of now."
*cracking knuckles* A'ight, Devil. How aboooooout THIS!

BOOYOW! Uh-huh. Thaaaat's right, baby. I got the solar power goin' ON! And if you feel like grillin' up the rest-a-my fish? HA!

I'll just top this puppy on a resin pedestal in the slam middle of your little sulphur pool and set the water to workin'. Tho' some lily pads in there and I got me a Water Feature that don't even require the shadow of your presence, bee-atch.
And it even comes in assorted colors.

I think I'll take this one.
I even got solar lights, crackerjacker.

Ohhhh, no. Don't be frontin' on Lawn Princess, Devil. I'll jack you UP, SUCKA'!
I'd say this time you had 'im by the cajones; but, considering the weasel's MO- i doubt he has any.
I'm sorry about the goldfish.
*chuckle* It's okay, really. Fishes don't have souls or anything. But I just *kinda'* wish the orange ones had kicked. Those little black goldfish were sooooo cute. Ah, well...
More updates to come. I ordered the purple fountain yesterday. And I've got "before" and "after" pictures to post once I finally get this monstrosity under control.
It's gonna' look good back there -- NO MATTER WHAT! HAHAHAHA!
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