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Sir Winston Churchill


Ultrasound Technology Alters the Abortion Debate

Technology is turning the tide in the abortion debate:

An increasing number of crisis-pregnancy centers now have ultrasound equipment that allows clients to see the child developing within them. Their experience shows that there is little question that this materially impacts the decision that women make. Centers report that anywhere from 62 percent up to 95 percent of women who had intended to abort changed their minds after seeing the images.

Assuming that these statistics are accurate, the question remains whether these young women changed their minds because their perceptions of the reality with which they were dealing changed, or because they were intimidated or emotionally blackmailed.

Intimidation or blackmail implies some kind of threat. What exactly might that threat be?

You might say that a young woman with a pregnancy she did not intend is emotionally vulnerable. I would agree with that.

It's exactly why statements from the NARAL universe that portray these young women ("fully capable of asking their doctor for information they need") as cool, sober and rational, calculating the equivalent of whether or not to have a wart removed, or to get a Botox injection, are so ludicrous.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been many cases where people have suffered emotionally and mentally after abortion.

For some this began in the clinnic during or imediately after their proceedure.
(these people knew all along what they do is wrong but with a little encouragement were able to go through with it.)
If they had viewed the image I doubt that they would have aborted.

Others weren't effected for some time after the event for some even years later.
These people (at the time of their abortion)could see nothing wrong with abortion..but further on down the track when they learned differently...then the gravity of what they had done hits home...grief and guilt follows.
These people would benefit...(at the time of their abortion) these people could see nothing wrong with abortion...a 4D ultrasound would help them see what they would learn later..before they go through with something they will regret.

As for the others...if they can veiw the immage and still see nothing wrong....
then they never harm done...
they still get to have their abortion if they still want it.


7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember reading "The Hand of God", the book by former abortionist Dr Bernard Nathanson about his conversion, and it was in large part because of ultrasounds. He became a Catholic 1996.

11:11 AM  

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