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Sir Winston Churchill


Screw Up Counterterrorism, Get A Medal of Freedom

That's the George Tenet story:

The report was released as part of an arrangement with Congress, which recently endorsed the recommendations of the independent, bipartisan commission that investigated the Sept. 11 attacks.

It concluded that Tenet "did not use all of his authorities" in leading a strategic effort against Osama bin Laden, and that "the management approach" within the CIA's counterterrorism center "had the effect of actively reinforcing the separation of responsibilities" among the agency's divisions.

And the CIA has been whitewashing their longstanding record of incompetence and malfeasance ever since, now working up to blackmailing presidential administrations with leaks of classified information.

Burn Langley down. Let the military run intel. They at least get things done by focusing on America's enemies.

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