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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Game On

Andrew McCarthy's got the scoop on Michael Ledeen's new book on Iran's war against America:

For three decades, Iran has made war on the United States and unabashedly told the world that it seeks the destruction of the United States, all the while — directly and by proxy — murdering and imprisoning Americans. For three decades, Iran has brayed that “Death to America” is the alpha and the omega of its revolutionary designs.

And for three decades, the United States — under Democratic and Republican administrations — has pretended it just isn’t so.

Could you imagine any U.S. president prior to Jimmy Carter being so sniveling, cowardly, self-righteously stupid and weak as to allow Iran to commit repeated acts of war against us without any response at all?

Is it any wonder that the Iranians think we're weak?



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