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Sir Winston Churchill


Barney Frank's Muted Outrage

Isn't it odd how out front Barney Frank has been in the finance crisis?

This explains it:

Did you notice that during Monday's debate over H.R. 3997, the failed Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, Democrats spoke often of strengthening both regulation and oversight, yet mentioned nothing of illiquid debt, government coerced or not? Or that some, including the House Speaker, promised the guilty will ultimately suffer the wrath of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Henry Waxman? How about the incongruity of those crying for justice and then thanking Barney Frank for reputedly making workable a bill originally delivered to him otherwise? Even Pelosi's obscenely partisan post-debate speech, which may have hammered the final nail into the Bill's coffin with its inopportune and wrath-filled Bush and Wall Street bashing, included a salute to the "extraordinary leadership" of the Massachusetts Democrat she was about to throw under the bus.

This was politics at its very worst, softening the blow they were about to strike against the Bush-backed Bill its House Democrat champion had all but staked his reputation on, while simultaneously spreading the same fertilizer Frank is using to rewrite his (and, of course, his party's) culpability engraved within the debacle's history. And Frank is spreading it wherever, whenever and however he can.

Indeed, the list of blameworthy Democrats is long and distinguished. However, Frank's recent thin-skinned written and spoken admonishments to those daring to confront previous related actions and statements betray a man whose hands may be deeper into this fiasco than any other sitting politician's.

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