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Sir Winston Churchill


The Non-Scandal of the "Downing Street" Memo

When is a scandal not a scandal?

The left is predictably eager to find in the so-called "Downing Street Memo" -- in which a British intelligence official wrote back in July of 2002 his impression that President Bush had already decided to go to war in Iraq and that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" -- "the smoking gun" that will finally turn the Iraq War into the scandal they have been insisting with ever increasing shrillness it has been all along. They have another incentive too, since the fact that the memo was first published in the London Sunday Times on May 1 gives them a scandal twofer. Not only, that is, does the memo reveal the scandal of the Bush presidency, but also the delay in giving it wider currency reveals that of the allegedly "right-wing media." The insurmountable difficulty they have to face, however, is that you can't really have a proper political scandal if it's only a scandal to one side of the political divide.

Of course, the real scandal is that the Democrats and the MSM want to see America lose the war in Iraq and see the Ba'athist yoke once more placed on the shoulders of the Iraqis and Kurds.

Must be like the good ol' days of shilling for Uncle Joe.


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