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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


The Cutest Thing

Wanna' know how my niece greets me when she sees me getting out of the car through the living room window at my sister's house?

All sis has to say is, "Auntie's here!" and Jadie goes bonkers. Doesn't matter what she's doing, she runs to the living room window to watch me get out of my car. She giggles and bounces her knees up and down in giddy expectation of riding my hip and getting huggy-tickles for the rest of the day. Every time I try to put her down she locks her knees around my waist. I can get her 6 inches from the floor, doesn't matter. She's not letting go. Fugettabout it.

Love that kid. Little blond curls, blue eyes, pudgy limbs and all. I hope my little demons -- I mean KIDS -- are that cute.

: )


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