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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Hero of an Earlier CBS News Scandal

When Mike turned his camera on Westy, he found more than he had bargained:

"CBS almost certainly misled viewers,” concluded veteran reporter Stephen Klaidman in the New York Times.

He wasn’t talking about Dan Rather’s performance in the presidential election, when the CBS News anchor used phony documents to question the National Guard credentials of President George W. Bush.

Instead, Klaidman wrote these words more than 20 years ago, when General William C. Westmoreland settled a lawsuit he had filed against CBS for libel. The controversy over what the television network had claimed about the retired officer, who died yesterday at the age of 91, unmasked the biases of the mainstream media, hardened the public’s views about liberal journalists who insist that they are objective, and helped lay the groundwork for the swift rejection of Rather’s bogus assertions in 2004.

The LWM's hatred of the military became naked with their incessant bashing of General Westmoreland, whose crime was attempting to win a war the media wanted America to lose.

RIP, Westy, and godspeed.


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