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Sir Winston Churchill


No Bias Here Either


Last month the New Republic's Jonathan Chait, writing in the Los Angeles Times, castigated President Bush for his "obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy."

"Bush's insistence that the entire populace follow his example, and that his staff join him on a Long March -- er, Long Run -- carries about it the faint whiff of a cult of personality. It also shows how out of touch he is," wrote Chait. "It's nice for Bush that he can take an hour or two out of every day to run, bike or pump iron. Unfortunately, most of us have more demanding jobs than he does."

The Democratic National Committee similarly attacked the president for spending too much time exercising and not enough on public policy.

On every other page of every other newspaper, meanwhile, you will read about our nation's "obesity epidemic," followed by calls for emergency remedies ranging from class action lawsuits against fast food companies to crackdowns on vending machines in public schools. Some might think a physically fit president would serve as a good role model for America's youth, especially in light of the rapid decline in the quality of our heroes from the world of professional sports.

Paradoxically, while Chait and others ridicule the president for being too active, other liberals have attacked him for relaxing too much. President Bush's vacation habits have become another bizarre obsession among the political Left. Speaking as a guest on the Imus in the Morning show earlier in the week, for example, Howard Fineman railed against the president's "almost religious devotion to his vacation time."

But President Bush doesn't vacation in the same sense that you or I do. He doesn't unplug all of his appliances and toggle the Out of Office AutoReply on his Outlook. He's working. He's just doing it in Texas instead of Washington, D.C.

Time was our nation's sophisticated opinion leaders wouldn't dream of scrutinizing the president's personal life. For example, it was considered bad form to question what President Bill Clinton did in the privacy of his own bedroom -- even though he did it in the Oval Office and while punched in on the taxpayers' time clock. And oh yeah, he was married and doing it with an intern.

Didn't matter. It was none of our business. But put in a little too much roadwork or clear a little too much brush at your ranch and you give people like Jonathan Chait the creeps.

Come to think of it, I seem to recall the mainstream media used to delight in showing us almost constant footage of President Clinton jogging, jogging, always jogging; him with his amoeboid torso, pale, toneless legs and duck-footed stride, the press with tongues wagging and elbows jabbing one another.

Wasn't he dreamy?

And what about John Kerry? I mean, who had time to windsurf and toss the pigskin during "the most important election in our lifetimes," anyway? Who can hunt ducks during "the worst economy since Hoover," and while Iraq makes Vietnam look like Granada? Unless, of course, Kerry just did all that stuff for show. And Clinton, too. You think?

In 1992, 89 percent of Washington media types voted for Bill Clinton vs. 43 percent of Americans. In 1996, the numbers were 92 percent and 49 percent respectively.

That makes the Left Wing Media the most loyal Democrat constituency this side of African-American lesbian union leaders.

Is it even worth discussing this anymore?

Does anyone but the moonbats believe the LWM isn't biased?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We hear you, Teflon. I always thought bats had amazing hearing, as well. Ohhh , wait a minute... those were fruit bats, not moonbats. Okay.

Spud always says if the media is so leftward leaning, then what about Fox's 20 million cult following. Wouldn't that make them mainstream? No matter how many times we talk about it, he can't understand me. I always answer mainstream should have no leaning, it should be the truth and the facts. I've given up on him.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Teflon said...

You have to separate Fox News Channel from the Fox Network. While FNC clobbers the competition in cable news night after night, it is still available in fewer homes than CNN.

In terms of market share, FNC, while the only news net experiencing growth, is still a lot smaller player than the network broadcasts, The New York Times, the Associated Press, or the morning shows.

Eyeballs mean influence, and 20 million is simply too small to have the influence Dan Rather had in peddling the forged documents which led to his removal.

In addition, FNC is not right-leaning. Add up the affiliations of the on-air talent at FNC and you'll find an even divide between liberals and conservatives. The current top rating-getter at FNC is Greta van Susteren, who is a liberal.

The shows hosted by conservatives tend to have liberal co-hosts, such as Hannity and Colmes. On Special Report with Brit Hume, the panel routinely consists of slightly more liberals than conservatives, as opposed to CNN or MSNBC where a token conservative is thrown on a panel consisting otherwise of DNC hacks like Begala and Carville.

Karl Rove doesn't have an FNC show. George Stephanopolous, Paul Begala, James Carville and other Democrat bigwigs have shows in the LWM.

The revolving door between media and party politics simply does not allow conservatives through.

That's bias.

9:05 AM  

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