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Sir Winston Churchill


The Themocrats Can't Decide Between Cut-And-Run Or Stay-And-Bitch

At least we know where Nancy al Pelosi stands. Here's Bill Kristol:

Today, Nancy Pelosi endorsed withdrawal from Iraq. Her statement is a political opportunity for the GOP.

Until now, it seemed to me more likely than not that Democrats would win back the House in 2006: Bush's numbers are bad; the GOP is getting no credit for a strong economy (which could in any case weaken by a year from now); the Abramoff scandal is going to get bigger; twelve years in charge of the House, and three years in control of all three elected bodies, have created weariness and dissatisfaction with the GOP. All this made me think the 2006 elections could result in a Speaker Pelosi.

I now think that unlikely. Pelosi's endorsement today of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq makes the House Democrats the party of defeat, the party of surrender. Bush's strong speech today means the GOP is likely to be--if Republican Congressmen just keep their nerve--the party of victory. Now it is possible that the situation in Iraq will worsen over the next year. If that happens, Bush and the GOP are in deep trouble. They would have been if Pelosi had said nothing. But it is much more likely that the situation in Iraq will stay more or less the same, or improve. In either case, Republicans will benefit from being the party of victory.

The only way we'll get these dirtbag Dems on board with the War on Terror is if we point out that al Qaeda would outlaw abortion in the American Caliphate.


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