Why The Left Won't Condemn Terrorism
A mystery solved:
While I find the reasons given in the article compelling enough, I'd like to add a fourth: leftists consider it a sign of strength to kill innocents to effect social change. Lenin beat this into them way back when: "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."
This helps to explain the constant efforts of the Berkeley Bolshies to idolize such murderous scumbags as Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Guevara, Ho Chi Minh, Daniel Ortega, Huey Newton, and the rest. Nothing is quite so attractive to them as a sociopath who mouths the same platitudes they do.
In Israel, and probably also in the U.S. to a considerable extent, this softness toward terrorism is the sine qua non of the Left. Among the majority who recognize it as evil, the question becomes practical: what should we do about it? Withdraw from the terror enclaves and try to keep them surrounded and bottled up? Keep patrolling them while allowing them to exist? Fight them seriously and root out the terror? On such issues one can hold discussions without a sense of betraying one's deepest values.
The Left, however, cannot cross the Rubicon of just condemning terror. I've seen the anguish and anger in leftist friends after an attack. But after a while, they always come out at the same place. It was we, our arrogance, our insensitivity, our one-sided narrative, that drove this desperate person to do this. You and I would do the same in his place -- we would be mass murderers, child-murderers.
The question, then, is why the leftist persists in this view of things.
While I find the reasons given in the article compelling enough, I'd like to add a fourth: leftists consider it a sign of strength to kill innocents to effect social change. Lenin beat this into them way back when: "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."
This helps to explain the constant efforts of the Berkeley Bolshies to idolize such murderous scumbags as Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Guevara, Ho Chi Minh, Daniel Ortega, Huey Newton, and the rest. Nothing is quite so attractive to them as a sociopath who mouths the same platitudes they do.
Excellent insight, teflon. Certainly explains their love of abortion, too.
May I add another observation? I note many Leftists are loath to extend personally any charity to those in need (they are totally embarassed and at a loss with those outside their social strata).
Accordingly, these elites want the government to deal with, aid and remove those that they shun.
The Encounter magazine years ago --maybe back in the 80s or 70s-- ran some articles by a writer, I think his name was George Watson on the topic of the Communists as being in favor of terrorism/violence by their nature.
Anynhow, the Bolsheviks were pro-Muslim way back in 1917 shortly after they took over power in Russia by coup d'etat. They actually issued a pro-Islamic manifesto or proclamation. See this link for relevant text:
The two links below have to do with peace movements. They also show that Communists and other socialists supported the Nazis and joined the Vichy govt in France.
I believe that another reason that they support terrorists so often is that they are very ignorant of real history or have a very distorted view of it.
So to get them to change their minds, they have to be shown that the version of history that they believe in is false.
Best Wishes,
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