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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Think Gunga Dan Might Be Persuaded to Take Andrew Sullivan With Him on the Way Out?

Nah, I didn't think so, either.

Instead, I'll just relish R. Andrew Newman's evisceration of the Left's favorite ex-conservative since David Brock:

Isn't it annoying when authors ride a hobbyhorse to the point of saddle sores? I'm glad to see Sullivan's mind boasts more than one track. I know I'm looking forward to The Conservative Soul. It's on my reading list immediately after The Liberal Soul, the new book due out from Jesse Helms. But I hear he's not done. Not by a long shot. He's already at work on what he hopes to be his masterpiece. As yet untitled, it tackles why the very design of the universe, from galaxies and quasars to neutrinos and quarks, points to why that so-called Vicar of Christ in Rome is nothing more than a goose-stepping reactionary bent on keeping Andrew from the altar.

In Time, Sullivan thunders against the Christianists and their machinations. He dings Rush Limbaugh for hanging the moniker "party of death" on the Democrats "because of many Democrats' view that some moral decisions, like the choice to have a first-trimester abortion, should be left to the individual, not the cops." I'll let pass his howler that implies abortion in America is limited to the first trimester. If you're a Christian and, like your co-religionists since the Age of the Apostles, believe that abortion is more than a "moral decision," you're a Christianist.

What's an oppressed, marginalized gay man, with a column in Time, a blog on the magazine's website, op-eds in the Times of London, going to do? "The worst response, I think, would be to construct something called the religious left," he advises. Perhaps he doesn't get out much, or the Christianist reign of terror has him under house arrest, but I'd like to introduce him to the Methodist, United Church of Christ, Episcopal, and Presbyterian churches. Maybe he's familiar with them.

That wasn't even the best part---do yourself a favor and read it all.


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