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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Jack's Back

WordGirl and I used TiVo to great effect last night by watching the dramatic final moments of the Patriots-Chargers game then watching 24 on the TiVo TV until it caught up to the live feed, when we were able to repair to bed.

Right Wing Nuthouse was clearly looking forward to Jack's return.

James Lileks nails his review of the 1st hour.

Dave Barry goes the distance for the first night.

Line of the night has got to be Dave Barry's: "Catfight! Nadia left the Jarvis firewall unsecured. That bitch."

Things to like:

- Finally, Muslim terorists
- The tender mercies of the Chinese revealed in brand-new scars on Bauer
- Chloe gets glam
- Assad out-Jacks Jack - "Why did you stop?"

Things to dislike:

- The whole P.C. internment camp schtick
- Asian suicide bombers---there's a first
- Jack's miraculous disappearing torture wounds
- Audrey---even mentioning her name is enough to derail an episode


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