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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Rite of Election

Posting has been light this weekend as the first Sunday of Lent was our day for the Rite of Election to the Catholic Church. This is the only time all of the catechumens (unbaptized Catholics-to-be) and candidates (baptized Catholics-to-be) in our part of our very large diocese will be gathered together.

Our bishop presided, our sponsors were there, and today the Church officially acknowledged our candidacy for full membership this Easter. WordGirl and I have been preparing nearly a year for this event, so it's been a big weekend.

Oh, and WG is watching TV until her eyeballs bleed today as her Lenten sacrifice involved banishing the great Technicolor demon from her midst. Since Sunday is a feast day, she's cramming in a full week of TV into 24 small hours.

I gave up the purchase of anything that might be considered a luxury; no such feast day break for me. The good thing is it certainly should allow us to save some money during the season, which WG will probably insist I blow on a gigantic TV.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really exciting! I'm happy for you both as you count down the days to Easter. :)

P.S. WG, as Alf once advised someone complaining about eyestrain while watching copious amounts of TV, "Work THROUGH the agony."

11:02 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

My mother-in-law is also going through RCIA and just did the Rite of Election thing with the Bishop yesterday as well. Isn't it great!?

And I had my first cup of coffee yesterday since Lent began. It's definitely a sacrifice that is taking some getting used to for me. I will confess that after a couple days, I had to break down and drink a Red Bull to ward off a headache.

10:38 AM  
Blogger WordGirl said...

Kate: *alf*

Martin: I can do without TV. I can do without sweets. I can do without white bread and potatoes. But get between me and my morning cuppa' and you're gonna' get your eyes clawed out. It's only a daily 16 fl.oz. of Starbucks Columbian blend with sugar and a drib of half and half, but if I don't get it, SOMEBODY's gonna'.

You're made of sterner stuff than I, my friend. ;-)

10:56 AM  

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