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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


A Letter to Dastardly Dick


If you had any honor, any dignity, any respect for the sacrifices of the men and women who have died that Old Glory might wave over American territory in peace, you would resign your office immediately.

Your equivocation and cowardly justification of your comments, your readiness to equate the actions of American soldiers with those of the Nazis, your loathsome demagoguery which comforts our enemies in wartime, betray a contempt for America and her warriors which is borderline pathological.

I hope you reflect, sir, that the only thing which prevented you from goose-stepping through the streets of Chicago yourself was the millions of American soldiers who ended the Nazi menace once and for all, at no small cost to themselves.

They didn't have air conditioning, either.



Dastardly Dick's e-mail address is here. Please use it.


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