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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Riding With Lady Luck

The sun's coming up. I can make out faint shapes in the half-light. The birds are excited about it, the way they are excited every morning. I don't need an alarm clock on their account. Every morning at around 5:30 or 6:00, they are out in full choir, gossiping and catching up on news. Fabulous.

Wonder what everyone else is doing now. Wish I was out walking with my iPod, sneaking down to the Farmer's Market for some peaches.

First thing in the morning is my favorite time of day. It's so tender and new, full of newborn possibility. Then midmorning comes all fat and lazy; Followed along forcefully by the task-master of the afternoon, driving with its whip and cane. Late afternoon creeps in on silent, lethargic feet, daring you to work or be energized. Then before one is even aware, dinner and dusk have swept over the land. The stars ignite and the sky closes its eyes.

And though it happens every day, the birds still greet me every morning, as devout as ever, singing the praises of the sun and the One Who made it rise.


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