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Sir Winston Churchill


What About Post-Abortion Depression?

Vitamins and exercise won't help women overcome feelings of guilt and loss:

Postpartum depression, a psychological illness caused by hormonal shifts occurring after childbirth that can lead to reactions ranging from irritability to sadness to despair, is an issue that's garnered a lot of media attention of late. Brooke Shields' battle with the disease, chronicled in her best-selling book Down Came the Rain: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression, has helped bring about an improved discussion of this previously taboo phenomenon.

This is a positive development. The feelings of depression and hopelessness women sometimes experience after the birth of a child need to be acknowledged, understood, and treated in order for all child bearers to reach their full potential as mothers and as women.

Regrettably, though public consciousness of the negative psychological reactions new mothers may experience is growing, scant attention is paid to the profound feelings of sadness and despair that often follow the other life-changing pregnancy outcome: abortion.

Post-Abortion Syndrome, a variant of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a subject of considerable controversy.

While Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocates generally assert that the emotional effects of abortion are "largely positive," others maintain -- backed by mounting evidence -- that the emotional risks to women who abort are profound and wide reaching.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, and the notion of the feminists that abortion is simply retroactive contraception is so obviously fallacious that one wonders why anyone credits anything the NOW gang and NARAL has to say.

One doesn't feel such guilt over excising a lump of tissue, surely.


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