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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


BlogRoll: MilBlogs

There's a war on, you know.

If you want to know what's going on in the war, you'll need to check out:

Major K is an Army infantry officer who provides an inside look into military life. It's not all deployment and engagement, either---he covers the more mundane aspects of serving your country in uniform as well. We first stumbled upon the good Major's blog during the Blogathon, and found ourselves checking in regularly for well-written commentary.

The Mudville Gazette gets a long-overdue spot in our BlogRoll. Greyhawk offers some of the finest military commentary I've seen in the Blogosphere, and MG's a daily read for me as a result.

What can we say about Froggy Ruminations that wasn't said during their excellent coverage of the SEAL shootdown saga in Afghanistan? The War on Terror is a war largely fought in the shadows, and the FR crew are an indispensable resource in understanding the world of our special operators.

As we've seen, the LWM isn't interested in covering the War on Terror unless American flag-draped coffins show up en masse. You'll need to augment the meager media diet with MilBlogs to get proper nutrition.


Blogger Alex Nunez said...

Teflon, speaking of milbloggers, be sure to give JACK ARMY a try.

I lucked into his site via Blackfive's post linking to Airborne milbloggers earlier this week. It's a great read, and he has been on top of this story all weekend.

His blog post on it is here.

Give it a look when you have a moment.

5:13 PM  

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