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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Um... Hi

Not really in the talking mood. Not that I don't love all y'all. Not that I don't miss the witty banter and the pinging back and forth of ideas and commentary. I'm just... out of things to talk about.

Married to "The Tef" and busy being wifey, housekeeper, holiday decorator, grocery buyer and event arranger. Oh, yeah, and work is also one long harangue. Sooooo... not much in the way of conversation here. Sorry peeps.

But if you really must pry:
* Finally got all the boxes unpacked and (with the help of Super Hubby) organized and placed on bookshelves proper, CD racks alphabetized, cabinets appropriate for saucepans, whatnot.
*Hosted a small, quiet Thanksgiving for two of our friends.
*Got the tree put up and all the Christ-mas paraphernalia splashed around the downstairs.
*Doing lots of dishes by hand since the dishwasher is out of order. Planning meals, making lists, being a grown-up. You know, stuff.
*Reading an excellently interesting book, "The Narnian". C.S. Lewis bio/how he came up with all the Narnia stories, et al.
*Working out all the "God stuff" (per usual rant) watching televangelists for key manipulation tactics, taking notes, filing mental information.
*Thinking about strategic plans for minimizing debt, getting everything done at work, seeing family, visiting friends, finding more time to relax, sleep.
*Going to two Johnson and Wales cooking classes, one this weekend and one next. This weekend taking my sister (early Xmas present and a thank-you for helping me with The Wedding) to "The Brunch Bunch"-- how to serve an elegant and festive holiday brunch; Ranchos Huevos, Eggs Benedict, cutting strawberries to look like roses, etc.. Next weekend, "Christmas Breads Around The World." (Taking Indispensable Bridesmaid to that one.)
* All my Christ-mas shopping is done. Just coasting into the time of year when all I want to do is bake cookies and decorate cakes, drink adult eggnog and listen to Dean Martin carols. Heaven.
* Got an early present from MH -- a copper firebowl for outside fires. We put some wood on it last Friday night, bundled up snug, put the iPod on the docking speakers and poked the fire for a couple hours while singing and howling like idiots. Great fun.

And... that's... uh. That's about it. *shrug, nod, sigh* Yep...

I'm very happy and peaceful and managing my life pretty well with what resources God has given.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and that no one was maimed during the requisite familial "bonding time".

Merry Christmas. Hope Christ is first in your hearts now and always. May your pace be thoughtful, thankful, peaceful and joyful. (Amen.)




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um... hi back attcha, WG!! or, should you be Mrs. T?? hehe.

I just wondered if your folks were allright (I really forget how to spell that, one word- or two?) Anyway, your mom was grieving your dad, so I hope now that the Big Wedding is actuallized- how's your dad?

11:38 AM  
Blogger WordGirl said...

Howdy, Karen. How're the moo cows?

Mom and Dad are doing fine.

Mom and I went out last night and got manicures and spa pedicures together. Way fun.
I got a dark burgundy color with a diagonal row of tiny silver crystals running across both my Big Toe toenails and a green and silver crystal flower in the center. Now my Big Toes look like tiny Xmas presents. *squeal!*
Mom got the French pedicure with a silver crystal flower in the middle of her Big Toes. They painted little spritely fauna around it with the tiniest little brush you've ever seen.
Total girl time. Very fun.

I think Dad's just happy when she's out of his hair.

Thanks for waving back at me!


3:19 PM  
Blogger Teflon said...

All right, who let her out of The Tower?

Not talking?

Well, no matter. Once the branding irons come out we'll get to the bottom of this.

Back to your cell, WG---that big ol' pile of laundry's not getting any smaller.....

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even IMAGINE having a pedicure!! I've had my toes done maybe three times in my life (my 6 yr old, Si, just asked me to paint her nails!!) weird.

I'm glad I can live my girlie-side through you and T. You're both cut from the same cloth!! I'm glad your peumonia is gone, T. Man, hope you're back to writing on your blog again- you had people freaking out over there.

Moo cows are great. The pregos' are popping all over the place; mostly girl babies (yea!!) The boys go for hot dogs- the girls we raise for *replacements* when we must sell the older cows :-(

We have a cool baby that's an Angus cross (the black beef critters are Angus). She's tall and black and so beautiful- my husband named her Puma. i opted for Pitch, but his name's better. Her mom's name is Pia.

Well, I could bore you for much, much longer- lucky for you I can restrain myself. Take care and enjoy married life, guys.

2:58 PM  
Blogger WordGirl said...

Yes, sir... I'll get the irons hot for you... ;-)

12:01 PM  

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