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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


So I See the Immigration Issue Wasn't Settled This Week

I'm shocked.

Some blame the hardliners (I'm proud to be a hardliner myself).

Some are ready to sit out the November election if the GOP doesn't seriously beef up the borders (I'm one of these, too).

And some are sick enough of the smarmy, condescending, phony Republican "elite" that they're willing to call their bluff.

Let me tell you this: the House gets it; the Senate, the President, and the GOP jersey-wavers do not. 100% of House members are up for election in November vs. 33% of the Senate and 0% of the White House/jersey-waver alliance.

Who do you think is more in tune with the political moment: the people facing the unemployment line if they screw it up in November, or the wine-and-brie country club Republican set who couldn't care less about conservatives so long as their checks clear and they pull the levers they're told to pull?


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