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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


The Spirit of Compromise

In the spirit of our President's Solomonic wisdom on immigration, I'm going use that same spirit of compromise with regard to my vote this November.

I will not vote for the GOP, since this president and this Congress no longer value my vote.

However, I will not vote against the GOP either.

Isn't that a wonderful compromise?

It's also fitting. I shall abstain from my duty to vote much as our leaders abstain in their duty to defend our nation, our property, and our rights as citizens.

Since the President and Congressional Republicans are convinced that there are many more votes to be gained by pandering to illegal aliens, they do not need my vote any longer, obviously. I can use the time I would have employed exercising the franchise to do something more useful for the future.

Such as study Spanish.


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