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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Surveillance of America's Enemies = Bad, Stifling the Internet = Good

Our left-wing countrymen see no contradiction here.

Jason Wright sees it differently:

My 2-year-old’s favorite movie these days is Disney’s “Chicken Little.” It’s a fine film, but if I hear the phrase “The sky is falling!” one more time, I’m going to launch my VCR from the roof of my garage with a giant slingshot.

Every child knows the parable: think twice — and think for yourself — before believing the hysterical warnings of those who tell us that disaster is imminent. So if children get the message, why can’t some lawmakers?

A few modern day Chicken Littles — with not-so-hidden political agendas — are telling us that the Internet is in grave danger unless we enact their version of government controls on the Net. The group is frantically lobbying Congress to enact laws mandating what it calls “Net Neutrality,” a term that sounds harmless enough. They are led by the liberal political activist group and call themselves the “Save the Internet Coalition.” That phrase, too, has a nice ring to it, but if this group has its way, the result would be a stifling of the Internet revolution.

Read the whole thing.

We bloggers and websurfers enjoy unparalleled access to information. We can quite literally find answers to any question one can pose within seconds, as though every library in the world were at our beck and call. We can network without regard to borders, government oppression, and sometimes good taste and common sense. In the Internet Age, oppressors find it much more difficult to control their slaves, those Google idiots hanging on the Beijing butchers' belt loops notwithstanding. (Let's see how long my Blogger stays up if they Google this).

Information is power. The Internet puts this power in the hands of anyone who can access it---millions upon millions of people.

Some folks don't want us to have that power. Sadly, this includes some Americans, including Americans who leverage the power of the Internet every day to reach those who think like they do.

If you want less of something, tax it.

If you want more of something, ban it.

And if you want to kill something, let the government run it.

The genie's out of the bottle. Information yearns to be free, as do we.

And no pissant little Lefty commissar is going to change that.

As Charlton Heston should have said, "You'll take my Ethernet card from my cold, dead hands!"


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