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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


They Don't Get It

Even columnists for reliably conservative magazines such as The American Spectator (a personal favorite since 1991) find it hard to grasp the anger in the conservative base over winking and nodding at violations of American law.

It's the law, stupid. Making more laws does no good given the marked unwillingness of our elected officials to enforce those already on the books.

We're not suckers.


Blogger Vigilis said...

Excellent point, but we must recall the reluctance of lawyers (most of the Senate and 35% of the House) ever to remove antequated laws from "the books." That would be stupid for those enriched by, a ...lobbying inducements, trial lawyer contributions, and general connivances, to forfeit. If antequated laws exist, yet are not enforced, what difference can there be in other, decades-old legislation such as immigration law? Just a thought.

ps - next time you will venture to area code 803, let me know. Would like to me you.

10:38 PM  

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