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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Calling All Catholics!

One of our commenters just recently triggered this idea: You lurky-lurking Catholics who read but never comment -- why are you so quiet? And how many of you are there anyway? I'd love to know.

You don't have to give me a synopsis of your life or anything, but I would like a little wave or "howdy" or something.

Indulge me: imagine I'm the teacher and you're the student. Leave me a "here" or a "present" in the comments section.

I'm just curious. I might be more inclined to write on Catholic matters if I knew I actually had an audience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again, it's Kate who posted for the first time yesterday. I've been a Roman Catholic since I was baptized as an infant (almost exactly 31 years ago--had a b-day this month).
We probably come out of the woodwork b/c we love to share/discuss/encourage each other and often don't get the chance to do so (either not permitted or fearing backlash--or we just can't find each other). And we get super-excited about converts! :)

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm one of the lurky-lurking Catholics who only comments on occasion. I'm a conservative pro-life Reagan Republican cradle Catholic. And as the link in my name shows, I manage the Papal Encyclicals Online website. The only real reason that I don't comment very often ... is that I usually don't read many political blogs and I never know what to add. It's not that I'm not interested, I read Michelle Malkin's blog, columns by Ann Colter, Peggy Noonan, Dick Morris, and a few others ... but I usually just read those for sake of information.

And Ditto what Kate said about getting excited about converts and their fresh impressions and insights about the Catholic Church. I love to read those. I had planned on commenting on your entry yesterday, but I got pretty busy at work and didn't get a chance.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Like Martin I usually just read. because whatever I might say someone else has already said, and done it better.

Elaine T

2:28 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

I'm a cradle Catholic--checking in now and then.

And I'm always up for a religious discussion, Catholic or otherwise.

Like Kate and Martin I appreciate the fresh insights of recent converts or educated outsiders.

But I'm not very conservative. Sorry, I hope you don't hold it against me. ;)

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tennessean by birth, Catholic by the Grace of God! :-)

I printed up the posts you guys made last Christmas on your decision to join the Church. My my bride of eighteen years (a convert herself) and I read them to our boys as a lesson on the faith they are born into.

Keep it up!

Pat G

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:0) Hi WG!!! & Teflon.
Guess you must know me pretty well by now, eh? I'm always here.

I enjoy what you have to say and savor how you say it, in WG classy-speak. I also love reading opinions of others. I need much time to absorb Teflon's political ruminations, but i keep at it and keep getting the feeling of rightness from all he writes.

I love how the Holy Spirit works in our Faith- well, all faiths, but ours most especially. I can't wait to hear of your new&ever-growing experiences in the Church... the smells and bells stuff and what you think.

I chose Blessed Kateri for my Saint's name at Confirmation. My oldest is getting cofirmed this year, too and i wonder who she will choose. My seven yr old will be making her 1st Communion. May will be a busy month.

I send my kids to our Catholic elementary school- where i myself went, and graduated from when the HS was still available. That is a tightknit family of itself(in itself?) History of this convent is amazing and the location above the Lake is stunning- all things of tradition i hope you yourselves will experience in your town, too.

Up here we have small parishes and not many priests- our new priest is from Tanzania. He is hard to understand at times and it tickles me to watch all our parishioners of mostly Canadian(Quebec) descent leaning forward, tilting their heads and sometimes even cleaning out an ear- trying to hear his message. Some of the older ones are hard enough to understand, themselves!

Anyway, plese don't give us the silent treatment, WG. Ask questions of your Catholic readers and i'm sure the Lurkers will pipe up, too? I hope so.

9:58 AM  
Blogger WordGirl said...

*SQUEAL!* Oh yay! I'm so glad we have an audience! Thank you so much!

Yes, backlash. I almost feel like a spy. I haven't told anyone about this in my "real life" other than my best friend and some of the people in her circle. I'm still not prepared to tell anyone else. Why is Catholic-bashing so popular?

I knew you'd come through! I was wating to hear from you. We should add you to our blogroll (and you should prolly advertise more). Thank you so much for piping in.

Don't be intimidated. Add away! We love that.

Girl, no! I love that you read our blog even though you're "not that conservative". You should meet some of our friends (it's always a party when the Zen Buddhist and his lapsed-Catholic wife come over for dinner). And if you heard my history, you'd prolly be shocked -- I used to be as liberal as liberal could be. You're tame in comparison. Feel free to be yourself and argue with us if you want. WE LOVE THAT!

I think I'm going to cry. That is probably the nicest thing I've ever heard. Thank you.

I think you're in the front-running for Most Loyal Reader. If you hadn't pushed me with all your questions and observations... We would have probably ended up here, just later. Thank you so much.

3:45 PM  

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