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"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Sir Winston Churchill


Weekend Photoblogging - Columbia, SC

Before the Colorado photoblogging deluge begins, I need to catchup with the entries from a trip WG and I took several weeks back to the capital of South Carolina.

Columbia is blessed with one of the finest State Houses in the land, thanks to a strong classical bent in its design:

Isn't she lovely?

The dome is particularly interesting:

The Dome

Let's take a closer look:

Nice place if you can afford it

This fellow looks a tad overdressed:

Hogging the steps

Doesn't seem to be one to trifle with---note that steely glint:

South Carolina State Staring Contest Champion

Even the lamps are interesting:

Old school lighting

As in most things, attention to detail counts:

This must have taken awhile

Medallions flank the entranceway:

Better than having your mug on a penny

Here's a closer look at the windows:

Wherefore art thou Romeo?

The interior's every bit as impressive:

Where'd I leave that Michelangelo?

Our guide informed us that the artwork over the doors represent a lost art:

Even Graceland lacks this

And to think my ceilings are white paint:

Fancy celing, if you like that sort of thing

Here's a closer look at a ceiling corner:

Pattern by Liberace

A place this fancy needs a big chandelier:

Not Energy Star Compliant by any means

Here's the faux interior of the dome:

I find this oddly compelling

Let's see how close the telephoto can bring us:

Alan Parsons' real project

If you think the Confederate flag ticks people off, check out this guy:

John C. Calhoun, foremost slavery advocate

Here's the flag that's caused so much controversy:

The Stars and Bars, forever?

The plight of African-Americans has not been forgotten:

African-American Memorial

Best to keep moving, I think:

Can't believe they bronzed 'em both

We'll wrap with an example of one of the leading contributors to Columbia's beauty:

Nature's fireworks


Blogger The Mixocologist said...

Fantastic work covering the Capitol building! You really captured quite a bit of the great features...the only thing I saw missing was a photograph of the stars on the wall commemorating where the building had been hit by cannon fire.

Next time you're in Columbia, check out some of the bars (and use my blog as a basis to decide!)

10:02 AM  

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